Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! North America 5500 and 6500 components not working

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  • #62698
    BRONZE Member

      Hoping for some advice. I posted a few years ago and then let everything sit. I have a bunch of components that all have issues. I have 2 cassette decks. One only plays out of one side the other doesn’t play at all. I have a Beogram 5000 that needed the string fixed and in the process the tone arm fell off ( I had a working 5000 so never fixed) I have another Beogram that plays but motor runs really slow. Finally a have a white Beogram 5500 that one channel works and the receiver that powers on but no sound comes out and the white remote that does work.

      i need to get this stuff out of my house. I live in NYC. People on the forum said whatever I do, don’t throw it away so I held on to it. I was practically giving it away on eBay but it’s so heavy that shipping is pretty insane. Any advice? I know the white stuff is worth something but we have a small apartment and fixing this stuff is beyond my ability


      Location: New York City
      Thomas Sanford
      BRONZE Member

        I am in a similar situation. I have a Full Beogram 5500 system with Beovox RL140 and do not know what to do with it.  I do not know if worth repairs or selling it as-in.  Anybody with ideas??

        BRONZE Member

          Frustrating because I know at least 1 turntable is easily repairable just not by me.  I posted this problem a few years ago the first time and people (rightfully ) convinced me not to recycle stuff.  While I’d love to make a few dollars for the white system (I got ripped off in the worst way ) the remote works. I just need to get it out of my apartment. I live in NYC and my apartment wouldn’t be described by cavernous even by an ant’s standards. My wife is incredibly patient but I’m a musician and will come in from gigs and drop my horns anywhere just to get to sleep. Broken stereo equipment is a step too far

          Location: New York City
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