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    Thanks Madskp, that’s very helpful. And good to know too that the Wireless One can be problematic. I’ve read about the importance of having the same software version on both units. Foolishly I passed up buying a pair quite cheap a year or so ago but might give them a go if I see another pair equally cheap one day. I was also sorry to see the demise of Hall Audio as I had great intentions for their ML to RJ45 converters.

    Can I ask another Masterlink question I’ve never quite understood? Greedy man that I am, I’d quite like a Beosound 9000 one day in addition to the Beosystem 6500. Is it possible to have two audio masters in different rooms on the same Masterlink setup? All the manuals I’ve seen talk about an audio master and a video master in one Masterlink system but I’m not bothered about having a connected TV anywhere. Ideally I’d like to be able to play records from the Beogram 6500 either through the BM6500 in the living room or the future BS9000 in the kitchen diner, or CDs from the BS9000 through the BM6500. Even better would be to access any of the sources connected to either master from any connected room. Is that asking too much of a Beo4?

    Thanks from the UK!