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    • Switzerland

    Does anyone know how to clear the Play queue in one go? I am using the Tidal integration. There’s like a million songs in there now and I don’t want to delete those songs one by one.

    I don’t use Tidal but, with Deezer, the ability to clear the entire Play Queue disappeared after v5.3 of the B&O app. No explanation, nothing. That was over a year ago and we’re now at v6.0. Despite repeated requests to the black hole they call Customer Support, B&O has done nothing about restoring the Play Queue delete button.

    What may work for you is to put your system on standby for a minute. With my B&O Core, this works. Not ideal but quicker than deleting a large queue song by song. Thankfully, I kept v5.3 on my Mac so I can still delete the play queue there.