Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 3500 and Beocenter 8500 – possible? Reply To: Beolab 3500 and Beocenter 8500 – possible?

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    • Denmark

    Ah thanks, I’ll try that. If I can get sound from the TV playing through the BC8500 or vice-versa, then at least I know the Beolink Converter 1611 I bought works, before I invest in the Beolab 3500 that I ultimately bought it for. I don’t intend for the TV and BC8500 to remain connected – there’s no benefit to that for my setup. The built in speakers on the BV8 TV are plenty good enough for my purposes.

    If the TV is not in the same room as the BC8500 it can be used as a link room speaker.

    If they are in the same room you can use the TV speakers, and any powerlink speakers connected to that as speakers for the BC8500

    Just to let you know some of the options you have