Home Forums General Discussion & Questions BeoWorld Feature / Problem please leave archived forums alone! Reply To: please leave archived forums alone!

GOLD Member
    • Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
    On trackbeo said

    The hello/welcome e-mail blast says, “We are currently consolidating the information from the archived forums for it to be integrated into the current forum, a process that will take time but should ultimately prove worthwhile.”  Please do not do this!  It was working just fine, once the photo links were re-named.  You may be willing to do the work to fix up all the cross-references buried within current forum articles, but you can’t touch links saved off-site and within individual users’ browser bookmarks.  Leave well enough alone.  (The old and older user interfaces were fun too, a reminder of how time-capsule your equipment and the answers you seek.:-)


    I was under the impression that some members would like the archived forums to be integrated. having one place with all the information.
    Happy to leave alone if this is what the members would prefer.