Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter Beocenter 8000 tape deck clicking issue Reply To: Beocenter 8000 tape deck clicking issue

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    • Liverpool

    Well thank you again Dillen, I’m happy to say it worked.  First I tried a piece of old credit card but that was too thick for me – it prevented the spindles from moving at all when playing a tape, so I shaved it down  with a craft knife.  I’m sure it will be different for each cassette deck with this issue, but on mine, the plastic needed was practically paper thin.  I glued it on in the exact plac in your photo, and it worked a treat.

    The clicking has gone, and the tapes play at the right constant speed on both sides.

    Recording seems to be good too (which I hadn’t tested before the fix), and the sound quality is surprisingly good – I haven’t played tapes for a long time until recently and I seem to remember they sounded terrible in the 90s, but of course, I wasn’t playing tapes on a B&O back then.

    Thanks again for your help.  My Beocenter is now in like-new condition (glass panels also needed re-taping, and a little crack in the flap that covers the inputs needed gluing), so I’m really pleased with myself.

    Now, I just need to try and find the matching Beogram 8500 for sale somewhere…