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    • Denmark

    I have now tried to a 1611 converter to the setup, so both the BLC NL/ML, BLC 1611 and BL3500.

    Now the BL3500 says ML OK

    The voltage on the Pink wire power + is 10.9V

    The voltage on the blue vire power –  is -10.9V

    The voltage on the Green wire data + is 0.25V

    The voltage on the green/white wire data – is -0.25V

    So it seems that the BLC NL/ML does not have enough power to pull the voltages to the correct levels when a piece of ML equipment is connected.

    So it might be that the options are:

    • The ML power box
    • A BLC 1611
    • B3OHACK3R’s solution
    • or a real ML audiomaster