Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Should I hook up a cd player to 28s? Reply To: Should I hook up a cd player to 28s?


    I am in the same position , but having sold the Oppo bluray I now have no way of even playing CDs, other than using the Macs in the music room and having sound on the network .
    As those things eat electricity , and I’m allways forgetting to turn off , so recently I’ve been looking at a naim core .
    As well as b&o , we have a couple of naim streaming speakers in the house so I’m sure it would be easy to link to them .
    Not sure how to integrate it to b&o , or even if I should ….
    It is a combined server and ripper/player , and once I’ve ripped all mine it will simply be an overpriced storage device as it’s much easier to stream than play a cd ….

    I think a few hours ripping CDs in the music room and using a cheaper network storage device could be a better option , but I’ve yet to look into the software needed to run the library & if the Mac’s would need to be permantly on to use that software .
    Hopefully the naim and b&o apps or Apple Music could access the library from phone/ipad .