Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Are older speakers more pleasant to hear than modern speakers (Beolab)? Reply To: Are older speakers more pleasant to hear than modern speakers (Beolab)?

    • Paris France

    Not quite following your comment and it’s meaning 100%? For Sure we are all entitled to listen to what we want and like and opinion was offered by me on a point of view.

    Sorry for being imprecise. What I tried to say is: I wonder if speakers are designed i relation with the music trends from their times? I don’t know maybe in the sixties they will emphasis electric guitar and rock drums, in the 80’s Synthetisizers sound and electronic bass and today extremely deep bass… If so, say somebody that use to listen 70’s Rock on 70’s speaker is likely to never like recent speaker for this music. But say yhe same guy listen to recent music, maybe he wont like it on his beovox but like it on modern Beolabs.

    Then to compare two very different types of speakers (beside the fact you compare a full device – beolab, with a) speaker and an amplifier…) doesn’t it need to have a neutral common ground that will even things out and not help any speaker above the other?

    Hope this is more clear.