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    Hi Trackbeo,

    Just like the BV11/Eclipse/Harmony, the Theatre gives you the option to not use True Image if that’s what you’d prefer, and just like the Harmony, if you choose Downmix instead, then by using only a 5.x or a 7.x output, I think that you’ll get what you’re asking for.

    If you choose 1:1 mode instead, then your output will be a direct reproduction of the input. So (as long as you have outputs assigned to the appropriate Speaker Roles) then the whole up- and down-mixing processing is bypassed – which may also be closer to your preference.

    The goal (as always) is to make a system that has enough “handles” to be customisable for your preferences.


    As for Floyd’s Circle of Confusion: as much as I like Floyd (I’ve known him for decades…) I disagree with his circle. In contradistinction to this concept, there is a reference: whatever the recording or mastering engineer heard in the studio. Take 100 recordings and count how many are made with the intention of making you feel like the musician is in your living room… The number will be very close to 0. (Just like there are no movies that are created to make you feel like you’re one of the cast, or sitting in a theatre watching a play.) So the circle becomes a line, where the point of “truth” is in the middle. Of course, achieving that target is impossible, since no two studios or studio monitors are  identical… But this is a different discussion, best had over a pint.
