Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 5500 tonearm travel

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  • #64622
    Kurt Kremer
    SILVER Member

    Has anyone ever had issue with the plastic gears involved with transporting the tonearm getting worn?  The first symptom I noticed was a shudder of the whole tonearm assembly as it reached its home/stop-resting position.  Taking it apart I’d say the wear is more pronounced on the main drive gear but there is still some on the string-pulley-gear.  Not sure this is a primary or secondary cause. Otherwise, the table works well.  No other broken parts noticed but manually running it (power-disconnected) through the mechanical dance of start and stop it’s easy to notice the gear “skipping” right at the end of travel in both directions. Changing the eccentric to loosing and tighten the string varies the amount of “skipping” that occurs, but it always happens.  I sure don’t see too many sources for those gears otherwise I’d be tempted to shotgun them.  Got this table cheap from a source that knew nothing of its history so just in the guessing phase now.

    • This topic was modified 3 days, 1 hour ago by Kurt Kremer.
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    Kurt Kremer
    SILVER Member

    After cleaning and really close inspection, it almost seems like the gears are made this way. The “wear pattern” I speak of initially is too consistent without noticeable scrape marks or shards of plastic.  See movie.  It would be great if someone out there also had one apart and saw the same thing.



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