Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! North America Beosound 5 Encore – a relic or a marvel? Reply To: Beosound 5 Encore – a relic or a marvel?


    @Severed hand of skywalker: we’re speaking of Beosound 5 Encore here, a device where Windows has never been…

    On my side, I sold mine because I was moving home were it didn’t had a place to be manipulated from the couch anymore, and because it’s not compatible with streaming services, but I think that it’s still a great way to browse digital music « physically » with the big wheel and MOTS system. If you search something to have a physical interface with your flax library on your NAS, it could still be interesting, but be prepared to clean your library (cover images are limited in size and must be names folder.jpg for instance).

    On the other side, I’m not sure B&O radio will continue to work on it for a long time, and if you use streaming services or want to mainly control your playback via remote (app is not available for it), it will just be painful.