Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 3000 tone arm adjustment

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  • #64401
    SILVER Member

      Hello, I try to restore a Beogram 3000 linear tracker.
      I’ve lubed the rails of the tone arm assembly. Lift, cue, forward, pause, play, stop all works,
      but I’m experiencing skating issues. I wanted to adjust now the tonearm according to the manual.

      I’ve set the tracking arm to 53mm, but I cant get the tone arm to the same height, no matter how mcuh
      I loose the brass screw (B). Maybe the 53mm are not taken from the top of the floating base to the top of the
      tracking arm? I’ve also attached some pictures for clarification.

      I’m out of Ideas and would be very glad for any suggestions on how to proceed ๐Ÿ™‚




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      BRONZE Member

        I canโ€™t tell from your third cropped picture, is the rear of the tonearm even with the detector arm and its only the rear of the arm that cannot go done enough to raise it?

        SILVER Member

          Hello Mark, the whole tonearm is a bit too low. I made another picture with a pliar accross both arms as a reference. 20250310_063402

          BRONZE Member

            It looks like your tonearm’s azimith adjustment is way off with the left side too low as viewed from the front. There is a separate adjustment in the manual for that.

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