Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 1800 not setting down at correct point on record

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  • #63592
    Todd Herbert
    BRONZE Member

      Hi, I have a Beogram 1800 that the tonearm is setting down prior to the record. Is there an adjustment that can be made to make the tonearm set down on the record and not the surface before the record?

      Thank you!


      BRONZE Member

        Yes, there is. However, it depends what kind of Beogram 1800 you have. If it is the one from the early 70s, you can look at this post: https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/p/12303/111377.aspx

        If it is a Beogram 1800 from the 80s, the procedure is this:

        Skærmbillede 2025-02-10 kl. 11.57.04

        Location: Copenhagen
        Todd Herbert
        BRONZE Member

          Perfect! Thank you so much Filip! I have the 1800 from the ’80’s. Is there any way to get to it, without taking the top surface plate off (if this is what would need done otherwise)?

          GOLD Member

            Is there any way to get to it, without taking the top surface plate off ?

            You will have to do that.
            And when you put it back on, make sure you don’t trap any of the front panel leads when you tighten the screws.


            Todd Herbert
            BRONZE Member

              Thank you Martin. Sounds like good advice.

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