Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 3500 and Beocenter 8500 – possible? Reply To: Beolab 3500 and Beocenter 8500 – possible?

GOLD Member
    • Liverpool

    Thanks, yes I had thought of that, but ultimately I do plan to use the A.Tape2 input for another purpose (although I haven’t done so yet), but the splitter I mentioned above should do the trick.

    I’ve also realised that while I look for a BL3500, I can test the Beolink 1611 by connecting my Beovision 8 TV to my Beocenter 8500.  According to a manual I found online here I can connect the TV to the converter via Masterlink, then converter to Beocenter via Audio Aux Link.  I’m not sure what it will actually do when connected, but it should hopefully allow me to at least test that the converter I got quite cheap on eBay actually works before I splash out on a Beolab 3500!