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  • #55703

    Hi Beoworlders,

    This one is for the true Beofans… You could be the first to see new B&O products before they are launched, but only if you promise not to tell anyone… This video explains how!

    (In case you were wondering, this video has been approved by B&O and was filmed in the B&O Boardroom at their offices in Copenhagen)

    Kind regards, Steve.

    BRONZE Member

      Thanks Steve for the Video.
      I just wanted to add one comment.

      This is a public beta program so way more reliable than a closed beta program. But it is still a beta program. Joining and updating your devices may cause products to temporarily stop working, loss of functions or just result in errors.


      I have two devices in the beta program (one BS Level and one BS Emerge) both have Ben resetted at least 10 times over the last 12 months, had connectivity issues etc.

      I would not recommend to update products with beta software if you need them daily and don‘t want to have troubles. The user experience is definitely different than the one with release candidates. But this is what the beta program is for 😉

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