Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter BeoCenter 2 – Display Backlight repair

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  • #55014
    BRONZE Member

      Hi all,

      So happy the forum is back again. I found an old BeoCenter 2 in our basement and tried it yesterday. After a few hours of search for the Pin Code all seems to work fine.
      The only problem is that the display backlight is very dark because of its age. Is there an easy way to repair the backlight? I assume it is kind of a foil? I hope I don‘t have to change the whole display 😉

      P.s. I see a DAB connector on the master unit. Does this mean it has already DAB? Can‘t really remember.

      BRONZE Member

        Hi all,

        I just opened my BeoCenter 2 and fully cleaned it. Next step is remove the sticky part of the soft paint.

        It looks like the Display is a VFD Display. Looks like a new repair part is pretty expensive. I think I will stay with the “dark” one 😉

        BRONZE Member

          I have a BC2, too, but it’s boxed away at the moment.

          The specs mention that “Contrast on the display adjusts automatically to light conditions,ensuring that the display text can always be read easily” and a service bulletin lists as an issue: “The VFD display has an auto contrast function, if this fail, the light in the display can vary from very bright to almost black”. Perhaps you could try shining a light on the sensor (probably somewhere around the display) and see if the display adjusts any? If not, it’s possible that the VFD is just simply faded from use.

          My unit also suffers from the aging soft-rubber surfaces, and my unit also has a faulty volume wheel (which is probably not repairable either and I haven’t bothered trying to find a replacement wing).

          Location: Helsinki - Finland
          My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeomasterBeogram-400x
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