Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Help with splitting FM & DAB signals

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  • #46374
    GOLD Member
      • Hampshire


      I have a loft box with FM, DAB, TV and Satellite feeds combined and fed to a wall plate with FM, TV and Sat connectors. I the feed the TV and Sat signals to an Eclipse, no problem.  I would like to feed the FM to a Beomaster 7000 and the DAB to a OneRemote, if I try and use the FM outlet I get no DAB signal, if I  split the TV signal I get about a third of the available stations.

      The wallplate is quite old so I replaced it with one with a DAB/FM Connector. Without a splitter both work well. If I add in a splitter to try and split the DAB and FM signals I get the following:

      With only the FM cable connected it works fine,

      if I add the DAB cable I lose some of the FM stations but get all the DAB.

      I cannot seem to find a true quad wall plate, they all seem to need a second cable.  So do I  need a different type of splitter or am I trying to do something that cannot be done?

      Thanks Paul

      GOLD Member

        The splitter will attenuate both signals.If you are using a resistive “Y” type splitter,this is the worst case.

        If you use a better quality,metal cased inductive type splitter,it should’nt attenuate so much.

        These have a frequency range from 5Mhz up through the radio and tv band’s.

        The FM band is the low end,then next up,the Dab band.


        GOLD Member
          • Hampshire

          I have tried 2 metal splitters, one 47 – 860 MHz and one 0 -1000 MHz. The second one seems better. I will try a complete retune as some stations lock on and others give just static.

          GOLD Member

            The first one has adequate frequency range,but the second one is probably less attenuating.

            Are you connecting to the loftbox “lounge” cable,or one of the extension feeds?


            GOLD Member
              • Hampshire

              The loftbox lounge cable.

              GOLD Member

                Does your loftbox (Global,Triax,Labgear?) need the satellite input,ie,do you use Sky etc,in the lounge?

                If not,you could try a wide band amplifier at the “lounge”output of the loftbox.This will boost all the signals of course,and compensate for the losses of the splitter downstairs.

                Ideally,a variable output amplifier,as you may need to balance between acceptable radio reception and not overloading tv,although thats unlikely.


                GOLD Member
                  • Hampshire

                  It is called Loftbox,  it is quite old. It does have a Sat input. From what you are saying could I not just boost the signal coming into the loftbox? Paul

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