Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram 5005 – stylus pressure too high?


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  • #59857
    Oliver Ryan-George
    BRONZE Member


      I’m quite new to record players and inherited a Beogram 5005 from a grandparent so apologies for the lack of knowledge and correct terminology.

      At some point recently my Beogram 5005 appeared to stop playing records properly. The needle wasn’t getting in the groove of the record and so the sound was very crackly and jumped a lot.

      I read about stylus pressure in the manual and deduced from this that increasing the pressure may help the needle properly get in the groove. To make the records sound normal again, I had to adjust the stylus pressure to be above what was even available on the scale, nevermind the 1.2 grams suggested in the manual.

      Is it OK to have the pressure of the stylus this high or is it likely to damage the records, the needle or the record player as a whole? If it is likely to damage something is there a recommended course of action? I do have someone locally that I can pay to take a look at it but thought I’d come here first so as not to disturb him if all is actually good.

      I’ve attached an image where you can see the scale and two images where you can see how the needle is sitting on the record.

      Thanks for your help!

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      GOLD Member

        Sorry I can’t help much, I don’t have a 5005 but from what you say, and the image of the gauge I’d say it is unlikely to be a stylus pressure issue and more likely an adjustment at the back of the tonearm. You might try and look for a service manual online which usually go through mechanical adjustments. If the issue is electronic then unless you are knowledgeable you’d best find a repairer.

        EDIT, and are you saying that the issue is solved when you put the scale over 2g? In short, it won’t damage the Beogram but it will wear the stylus faster and will cause wear on the records, especially if the tonearm has some other issue. I know back in the days when some “hifi” records players were exerting something like 10g! but generally today they never go over 2.


        • This reply was modified 7 hours, 14 minutes ago by etype76.
        Oliver Ryan-George
        BRONZE Member

          Thanks for the advice, etype76.

          Yes, the stylus pressure seems to be over 2g.

          I had a look at the service manual and it seems a bit out of my depth so I will bring to the local repair man.



            • Paris France

            More likely a “close to death” stylus…

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