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Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Beogram CD3300 only open 1cm

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  • #48230
    BRONZE Member


    I’m struggling with a Beogram CD3300. Belt is changed and so are the 68uF capacitor on motor lid PCB but the lid only opens approx. 1 cm. If a little help is assisted it open up fully but if not it is stuck only 1 cm up while the motor runs for a while. It seems like a mechanical issue but it is difficult to figure out what is wrong and there are no direct adjustment possibilities – any suggestions?


    Location: Denmark

    Broken gear?


    BRONZE Member

    No, gears are fine. The issue is in the other side where the Eject button is. There are some kind of small obstacle that is just enough for the motor not being able to lift the lid. If the lid to assisted slightly it moves all the way up.

    When the lid part is removed there are no problem for the hinge in the motor side to move all the way up but the hinge in the eject side can only move up by hand when the eject button is back in rest position.

    When the eject button is pressed it is not released correct and there it lockes the lid when there are a little force needed – are there anything to adjust (the service manual does not mention anything)?


    Location: Denmark

    Has something broken off the eject button/actuator?


    GOLD Member


    I had a bad motor once that had not enough power to lift the lid, on a CDX.

    A new motor solved the problem.

    Does the motor stop altogether or do you hear it struggling ?


    Location: Burgundy
    BRONZE Member

    If something is broken of the eject actuator I cannot see what that should be. I though discovered that the hinge in the eject side was touching the actuator arm slightly underneath where they meet, I removed a little plastic to remove that friction. On the motor side I disassembled the motor/gear unit af cleaned it from old grease and lubricated with thin oil. This has made the lid open by it self now but I can hear that the motor are working harder in the start but it gets easier for it when the lid is half way up and until it is fully open.


    Location: Denmark
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