Reply To: Beoliving Intelligence MKII?

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    In my case it is to integrate B&O non-mozart devices into automations. for example as an alarm in the morning, I’m using the BLGW currently to control the shades and then turn on the music system in the rooms I need (bed room, living room, bathroom). Matter support helps for the living room (BS Theatre), but not for the others… because you’re not able to turn them on or send them a join command without the BLGW or BLI. And furthermore… the BLI talks to many home automation systems that don’t support Matter yet. I would actually see it as a brigde in my case between B&O, Matter and Digitalstrom (home automation).

    Talking about the future… I won’t believe my BS35 or other ASE products will be controllable without a BLI. At least not, if you want to listen to a built in source of the device… B&O Radio for example which I love for the quality…

    I hope this add-on makes it a bit more understandable, why the BLI is still something useful in some cases… And if I don’t see any easier solution for my issues… happy to hear your ideas!